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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 30, 2008

We Took The Big Plunge!

Well...We did it... That's right, we took the big plunge...

... And bought our Crib!

Haha. Not what you were expecting, was it?! After weeks of oogling over cribs, we decided on our favorite, it got fabulous reviews and was a great price!! Can't beat that, can ya?

Here's a pic of our newest addition (which will be arriving in just a few weeks!)

It also converts to a full-size bed, it's nice to think it might last that long, but it's probably wishful thinking!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's the little things...

That make me smile! I'm so glad Chris is home, it was weird having him away. I think that was really the first weekend that I've spent alone at our house, and it was definitely the first time that either one of us has flown without the other person since we met. Ok. With those milestones out of the way, I have to admit that I'm enamoured by the idea of moving! I like new adventures and new places and I think that (with a pool), I could really be okay in the blazing hot heat! I wonder how long that would last?

Since many inquiring minds want to know how the trip went, I'll summarize how it was although Chris posted a comment on the last blog entry. The guys in Arizona like him, and there is a good chance we'll end up there, but Chris and I know in the back of our minds that this isnt the best time to go; when he initially interviewed for Arizona, they were talking more in the timeframe of September (It would be nice if I could continue to work at my job for a while longer before leaving). Of course, if the offer comes along, we would probably try and find a way to go since the contract is up here the beginning of 2009. Long story short, this exact job wouldn't be the best fit for us (Chris would travel a lot to other countries, including the Middle East, Yuk!) and there are a lot of other openings in Arizona right now so we're hoping we can hold off on going a while longer.

And since this is Fifi's blog... I'm not going to show you what Fifi is this week, since it's an ugly Onion! No child of mine is an onion, however he/she can now hear us, and I've heard enjoys classical music... And to answer the infamous question, no... we haven't felt Baby J yet, and I'm ok with that considering I know I'll be poked and kicked for a good 20 weeks or so anyway, although I'm sure it is quite magical, especially after the 10000th time. :) Hehe.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

16 Weeks and more!

Lots of news to report today! This morning I had my 16 week checkup. The Dr. said everything from our last ultrasound was normal and actually moved my due date up to September 2nd because I was measuring ahead. YAY! I was then told that I could go to the Ultrasound facility (just a few doors down) and make my appointment for our BIG ultrasound! (so far soooo good...)

So on my merry way I went, (and on my nicest behavior so I might just get what I want)..,

...and what did I find but what must have been the most unhappy receptionist ever who certainly didn't want to help make my life easier so that I could go down to Orange County and see family and perhaps do a little boy or girl shopping in a couple weeks. :(

You know what she did? Booked my appointment for the day AFTER I was planning to get HOME from the OC. (she swore up and down there was absolutely nothing available until that exact date). nice.

Was she Crazy?!

So began what I believe the very first moment of serious pregnancy hormones (Chris may have a different idea of my mood levels)... I maintained my composure, booked my day-late-and-a-dollar-short (literally) appointment and went back to work. I know I should have been thrilled just to have the actual date set, but man she'd really ruffled my feathers and my plans!

So...for the most part, I got over it as the morning passed...

BUT I just decided to call their other office on a whim and see if THEY had any availability... they didn't, BUT the first office I went to this morning DID have an appointment for the day I was planning on going DOWN to OC. WTF!? That unhappy woman this morning had lied to me! (not nice). So I appreciatively scheduled my appointment and now have my fingers crossed that mean lady from the other office never catches on!

Our appointment is scheduled for April 4th at 9:00 a.m. YAY!

Ok... Now to the weekly update...

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

Have a good day!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hectic Much?

It seems like life is throwing us into a whirlwind right now. As if Chris taking 5 classes at once wasn't enough of a stress, It gets more interesting...

As of last Friday morning, I was really beginning to think that baby J would be a so-cal chick (or dude), at least for a while after birth.

Chris was scheduled today for an interview in Arizona next Monday (yes, he'll be flying out on Easter!). Now I know that everyone has job interviews, etc, but how many of them do a preliminary interview in person with a rep in California and then fly you out there to interview and have lunch with the big Cheeses, (while giving him an extra day to "explore phoenix")?? Actually sounds like one of those gimmicks where Airfare, Hotel and other expenses are free after just a quick 5 hour seminar!

The realization that something of this nature could possibly happen is particularly daunting right now. I had already been contemplating furniture arrangement for the nursery!! I had already decided that I could, Maybe, just maybe, keep on truckin' at the Surgery Center until September and then play it by ear... But who in Arizona is going to want to hire a 5 month pregnant (or more) chick and know she'll need some maternity leave soon!?

I haven't wanted to talk about what we'll do with the condo or working or anything yet because I don't want to put too much emphasis on the unknown regarding this job, there are quite a few things that would stop us from being able to move forward with our lives, particularly one condo by the freeway with brand new windows (which are heavenly I must say)!

I'm not sure how 'fresh' of a start this would give us considering we'd probably have to rent out the condo and make up the mortgage difference while we (most likely) rent something in Arizona... It's hard to accept that we'll be moving even further away from family than we already are, although I know my ASU-Alumni sister would be making the trip to visit us (GO Sundevils!) Haha. I'll have my pitchfork ready...On a side note, did they pick that mascot because it's hotter than he-l-l in Arizona?! I'm sure to those who are ASU alumni, that was a dumb question. Well, please enlighten me.

And now as I sit here and type this, I overhear Chris on the phone with his family saying, "I need to make sure I support my family"... Yup. Gushy McGusherson (aka. baby mama) started to cry.

*shhhh* Don't tell Chris...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Week 15!

We made it to Week 15!

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

No huge changes to report... although I am starting to look pregnant to people I see daily, which is pretty exciting!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Petunia Picklebottom?!

So after a very much needed weekend away, I find myself contemplating how amazing a diaper bag can make you feel! That's right. Grandma Johnson bought us a Petunia Picklebottom bag in Baroque Roll... The picture online doesn't do it justice, it's so much more beautiful in person!! I will be the most fashionable person in Santa Maria!!! (JK... We all know I already am)... You can see our new bag at :

Hope you have a great week!! I think I just might make it through the week without going absolutely nuts!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Week 14!

Not a whole lot to say today... I'm just so relieved that tomorrow is Friday! I'm not sure I could take much more stress at work... working extra hours when you're pregnant really throws a girl off! Update for Week 14:

Babycakes is the size of a Lemon!

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.