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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Get your fill.  More pictures of our princess than you would have ever thought possible. 

Someone told me the other day that our baby should be a model.

I agree. I know that I’d buy anything her face was on. 

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Being A Parent...

You know... I always thought that the hardest part of being a parent in those first months would be the sleepless nights and inconsolable crying that just tugs at your heartstrings.

Now, I realize that those things are all fine and dandy. What's really hard is something Chris and I will live with for the rest of our lives. We wont get over it just because she's 1 year or 5 years old.

Chloe doesn't feel right. She's just been all around cranky. Two days ago, she had a temperature of 102 degrees that I thought may be due to teething. I gave her some Tylenol and she seemed to feel a little better...

But the hardest part of being a parent came last night at midnight when she woke up and started crying. I thought for a couple minutes about letting her cry herself back to sleep but something just told me to go in there. Good thing I did. Her temperature was 103.1! I stripped her down, gave her a cool bath, some Tylenol and a bottle. Then, the unexpected. Poop to her neck. I gagged, she cried, we hosed her off and gave her another bath.

I felt so helpless, so scared. It's amazing, when she's got a head cold or something, I don't worry - I know what's going on, I can see all the symptoms, I can easily monitor her. But with a fever, there are so many unanswered questions. What could it be?! I felt such an overwhelming need to do everything right. Mistakes here are not okay. This is our daughter we're talking about!! Does it warrant a trip to the ER or do we just keep an eye on her until morning when I can get her into the doctor?

I watched her closely, she was acting normal, happy and exhausted. I rechecked her temp, 100.5. Thank goodness. I put her in a onesie and rocked her. She cuddled up tightly, put her arms around my neck, sighed and went to sleep. I did not.

I got us into the doctor this morning at 8. He's a little concerned there aren't more symptoms, just a fever and one blowout doesn't really give us an explanation. Then, something I didn't expect to hear. He'd like her urine to test. I was happy to give over her diaper... except that wasn't what he wanted. Needless to say, within 10 minutes our daughter had a catheter up in her lady bits. They got their sample and Chloe acted like nothing had ever happened. I however am scarred for life. Result= her urine is normal.

Because her fevers are so high, the doctor wants us to go back in tomorrow morning so he can see how she's doing so we're not left stranded over the weekend with an even sicker baby. He thinks it's just some kind of virus that will run it's course, resulting in continued fevers and he expects more diarrhea. How exciting. The fact that she's not having more diarrhea seemed to concern him a little. He also did warn me that tomorrow, they may do some blood drawing. Good thing Chris has tomorrow off. Two days of poking isn't my idea of a good time. I'm pretty sure Chloe isn't too excited either.

Sooo keep babycakes in your thoughts. I'm sure she'll be fine, I just hate fevers this high. Then again, she's really never had a fever. So I hate this even more.

Oh, and we're 18 weeks along today! Only I look like I'm about 25 weeks along! Just a few more days until I turn a quarter of a century and we find out for sure the sex of our newest addition to the family.

Good times at the Johnson household!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Picnic In The Park

Today Chloe and I had a great lunch date at the park.

pic 052

She had her first taste of subway (some bread, tomato and turkey at least)

pic 070

(Just like her mama, she cracks herself up~!)

Big surprise, but of course she couldn’t get enough.

pic 082

She also discovered a love for ducks and dogs …      

(particularily dogs in the water)

pic 088

pic 085 

 pic 103

This was her expression the whole time we were watching the doggie!

And just in case you didn’t believe me about her being busy, check out these next pictures I snapped…

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

8 Months

Yes. I’ll admit it. Chloe turned 8 months on Sunday.

Mothers Day.

I forgot.


It’s not the first and it won’t be the last.


Over the last month Chloe has had a lot of firsts.


It’s when she first started crawling. Now she’s practically running (on all four’s of course)

It was her first Easter, her first Mothers Day in person, her first plane flight, her first time seeing her Boston family…


Her first time pulling herself up…

Put all those things together and we have a seriously on the move baby!


She also cut her first two teeth!


Luckily, she’s back to sleeping through the night, (although she has cut her sleep short and likes to wake up between 5:30 an d 6:00!)IMG_5557 

Now if we could just get rid of that nasty runny nose she picked up in Boston!!!


(Who, ME?!)

She talks all the time now, and by talk I mean babble…

The last week or so has been really interesting. Everyday Chloe really has changed. She’s no longer an infant, she’s hardly even a baby anymore.  I’m accepting this fact just fine, but it’s hard when she is no longer content in your arms and would rather be investigating the dishwasher or stairs…


Luckily our nighttime routine proves to me she’s still a softie at heart.



She really loves to take a nice ride in her stroller.

Oh yeah, and give her a water bottle to play with and she’s in heaven.IMG_5455

Love you baby girl!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Ok. Hopefully here’s a better picture of her teeth.
You MAY have to click on the picture to make it larger.

But seriously, these teeth are coming in so fast!

Seriously. We are so in love with this kid.

All she wants to do is go-go-go...

AND say "MAMA" :)

Yup. Mama. I'm so proud.

It feels SO good.

That, and the fact that she's back to sleeping from 6:30 pm to 6:00 am.

Thank the heavens.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

15 weeks...

Well, we're about 15 weeks along now.
I went to the doctor yesterday, or should I say Midwife?
Yup. That's right.
I'm having a natural waterbirth at home.
Just kidding!!!
However, I am seeing a group of 3 midwives this time around. So far it's been wonderful.
Appointments are more heartfelt, the entire office staff has a huge crush on Chloe and everyone goes out of their way to make sure all my questions are answered and I'm at ease.
I know I was in great hands with an OB should there have been an emergency when I was delivering Chloe, but the personal attention just wasn't there.
The practice of midwives works under a great OB as well, just in case there are any complications.

that being said,
we have scheduled our "Big" ultrasound...
for my birthday!
On June 1st we'll get to confirm our suspicions that Chloe is going to have a sister to be super drama with! ;)

Monday, May 4, 2009


I've found myself increasingly weird lately. I guess I should chalk that up to pregnancy emotions. If you've read my blog from my pregnancy with Chloe, you know I babble a lot about my feelings especially when I'm pregnant. I've spent so much time lately thinking about what having a second baby will mean and how life will run and how I'm going to find time for both babies...

Today I relived the last few weeks of my pregnancy and first few weeks of Chloe's life by reading the blog. I'm so glad I kept a good chronicle of everything. Will baby # 2 be disappointed that they don't have their OWN blog dedicated to them? Will I remember to chronicle all the important aspects of their life?? (As a side note, we WILL be switching the blog to a FAMILY blog shortly... I'm not ready to let go of Chloe's blog quite yet)...

I have to admit that I've spent a lot of time contemplating the actual process of getting baby #2 out as well. I'm sure this won't be the last time I talk about it. I'm not afraid of it, but it's my last chance to challenge myself to handle it well. Reading my birth story from Chloe and thinking about the day just reminds me how amazing it was and how scary it was at the same time. I really need to find ways to cope with the pain...I can't even put into words how ridiculously painful. I don't want to be begging for an epidural this time. I know I can do it naturally, I just want to be prepared this time. I know what to expect, I can do it. I am hoping I can do it without 1. making Chris white as a ghost and 2. screaming like a crazy woman.
I may be looking into some serious hypnotherapy or something. Haha. Anyone want to be my coach? I think Chris wants to resign!

One of the other big things on my mind is breastfeeding. I have a hard time really telling people how I feel, and this is one of those things. Having to give Chloe formula has been a huge source of disappointment for me. I'm hoping someday I can look back and not feel so much resentment towards myself for something I'm not sure I really even had control over. Why was I one of the less than 5% statistically that can't produce milk?! I think baby # 2 is going to be a test to myself to see if I just didn't try hard enough with Chloe or something. I hate thinking that my body failed me. I'm not sure why exactly I couldnt' produce but I am going to give 200% this next time. For only so long. I promise I won't make myself crazy over it. I guess in the end, I'm really hoping I can give baby # 2 something I couldn't give Chloe...(sorry baby girl!) If not, there's always Costco. The best thing is, they'll deliver all 52 cans of formula you'll need right to your doorstep with just the click of a mouse! *sigh*

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Busy Weekend!

We have had a fun filled weekend being tourists in Central California.

Despite the fact that we live here.

Yesterday we took Chloe to Avila Beach, where she loved the baby swing…

Today we spent a good chunk of our time driving through the windy roads near Solvang/Los Olivos.

We even did a 30 mile windy mountain trip to search for fun hiking trails.   In the end, we weren’t very victorious but we still managed to have a lot of fun.

We then decided to head over to Solvang to check out the sights.

It’s always an experience…One I need only once every few years.

Does Anyone spy 2 little teeth??


Chloe will NEVER forgive me for this picture!

And yes, that was the best picture I could get of them…

Friday, May 1, 2009

Life Goes On...

Well, after our big adventure, our life has resumed as normal. Except with a lot less sleep.
Chloe must just be getting us ready for having another newborn in the house. She's starting to regress and act like one again, she's up all night!!

Her two bottom teeth are the most adorable thing on earth - I can't get a good picture of them yet, however...

Chloe showed me how fabulous she was at playing Peek-A-Boo yesterday. Turns out she's a pro! Who knew?!

Skip if you are easily grossed out:
Today, Chloe was helping me get dinner ready by playing with her cooking utensils on the floor when I happened to turn around and for a moment I panicked. I thought she had gotten into the flour can. The floor was COVERED in white... Turns out Chloe had just spit up and then thought it was fun to sit in it, crawl through it and finger paint with it. I love being a mom! She was so pleased with herself!

Wasn't that a great story!?... Talk to ya later!