The days seem to be running into one another as we head full-steam towards the end of the semester.
One week from today is my last final.
Last week marked one of the most stressful, up/down week of our lives.
2 Fridays ago, Chris got a job offer out in the desert and we had until this last Friday to give our answer.
One week isn’t long enough to make such a big decision.
There is a ridiculous amount of stuff to consider.
Sure, it sounds nice having them come and move your stuff and you don’t have to do a thing…
and you can basically start a life new somewhere else…
but really. there is SO much more to it.
Does it make financial sense? Does having Chris away from us 13+ hours a day worth it?
Can we maintain our standard of living? What are the chances of promotions in the future?
Are our options brighter where we are now?
Well… really… what it came down to is we didn’t have a clear answer.
So we decided not to sign our lives away.
It just didn’t feel right as the decision week wore on.
Neither decision was the right one, neither was the wrong one.
We were, simply put, stuck in the middle.
I don’t feel any great victory with our decision, however.
It leaves us right back where we started; uncertain about what happens when our contract ends.
I have complete faith that everything will work out, however, it’s not in my nature or Chris’ to just let things happen on their own.
In any case, to celebrate our very waffled non-decision to stay here, we had a relaxing weekend at home with the girls…
Lauren got a new bike so she could be a big girl like Chloe and don’t be fooled by the photos, she has a very distinct love/hate relationship with it.
If you push too fast, pull backwards at ALL, or if Chloe gets within 100 feet of it,
she’s hysterical, petrified and furious… all rolled into one.
Otherwise…she’s like this:
Oh. and she had her 18 month checkup the other day. She’s doing awesome.
70th percentile for weight.
90th percentile for height.
92nd percentile for head circumference.
A tall, skinny brainiac. I’m pretty sure I spelled brainiac wrong. Or maybe it’s not even a word…
Go figure.
You go girl.