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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do you seeee what I seeeeeee?

Kitchen Cabinets...
AND Granite!!!!!

Every week of productivity brings us just THAT much closer to being done...
Gosh I'm looking forward to the day we get to actually move in.
I cant' even imagine what that will be like...
To walk across the threshold of your home for the very first time...
And be able to turn on a light.
So exciting...

I can't wait to blog about our adventures... because really, so much love and planning and bargain hunting has gone into making this my dream home.
(HELLO 1.19/ sq. foot wood floors!)
But don't expect any landscaping...we'll save that for next year :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It's August.
We've officially completed 10 days of temporary living in a hotel.
How's it going? Did you expect me to say it is awful?
Let's be honest here...
It's not.
But it's also not home.
But MAN are we lucky to have this provided for us.
I told Chris... it's amazing that he's worth that to a company.
Not that he's not amazing... but ya know... they've thrown a TON of money into getting us out here and making us happy.
All he had to agree to was a year.
They're spending like at least 30% of his yearly salary just on moving us here for a year.
I don't know. Mathematically it's hard for me to comprehend.
Maybe I just have too much time on my hands.
Our days are filled with breakfast. We're there at 6am sharp since the kids wake up around 5:30 am here.
Then, every morning after breakfast we head out to the park before it gets too hot.
The girls demand to swing higher and higher and higher while they squeal and laugh in childhood delight. Today they laughed so hard for so long that Chloe got the hiccups.
She kept squealing, "Mama! I'm having fun!!!"
After the swings, they go to the big circular slide and wear a path between the stairs and the slide for the next 45 minutes or so.
Love those kids.
By this point, even in the shade at the park, it's starting to get hot.
At 8am, it's into the 80's here.
Don't even get me started on the 2pm temperature.
We're at the pool by then.
Luckily we don't even have to go outside to get to the pool.
It's indoors.
Ridiculously perfect.
No suntan/sunburn/heatstroke issues to have to deal with.
Most nights they offer some kind of dinner so the kids eat there and sometimes Chris and I do also.
Need to save money to dump into the house...
Which is absolutely perfect. It's amazing. It's coming together. It's almost done.
Cabinets went in this weekend.
I started tearing up when I saw them all in.
That was what made this real to me.
To see the custom cabinets that I was able to help see the custom touches we added throughout the kitchen... it's just unreal. I feel so so so lucky.
So that's our update.
Awesome. I know.