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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

33 Weeks

Well, We're officially 33 weeks according to our ticker thing floating above... As a parenting milestone, we went to our very first prenatal class last night, and it dawned on me that the class is 6 sessions long but they skip one week so it's like it's 7... which means that we'll be 40 weeks when we're done! That's just silly! I'm not sure why that made the whole home stretch thing click, but it sure did. In any case, I haven't posted one of these lately, and honeydew isn't too offensive so here goes:

Over 4 lbs?! Yay! Totally explains why I'm getting more and more uncomfortable and her jabs are getting so much stronger!! I have to admit that the worst side effect of pregnancy is the lack of nighttime sleep and utter daytime exhaustion!

I'm bundling them together as one big, nasty annoyance. I'm up at midnight, 3 am, 4 am and for good at 6 am, that is until i'm too exhausted by around 8 am to even keep my eyes open and must either nap or try and push through... at which point by 2 pm I just roll over and take a nap. Yes. I am officially tired. Thank god I'm not at work.
That reminds me...I have the best husband. Have I told you that lately? What kind of husband tells his wife to stop working? (Ok... so it was better I didn't work and remained sane than the woulda gotten ugly quickly)... but anyway. Best guy ever. Nuff said.

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