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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Fathers Day (eve)!

Gosh, it’s about time I crawled out from under this rock.

Gosh, life sure is keeping us on our toes.

Ever feel like you can’t keep up?!

I’ve been so busy that I kind of just fell off the radar.

Have I mentioned my Romaine and Carrots are starting to grow out back?


So far my green thumb hasn’t turned brown quite yet.


My hydrangea is still alive!

However, my Gerberas look sad after leaving them for the weekend.

Our jungle out back is attracting all sorts of wildlife.

IMG_0755We have at least one rabbit, 2 cats, a handful of butterflies and random birds and 8 billion bees and lizards.



Original Pics:

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Chloe has been ‘difficult’ today. She has learned she has a voice and opinion and will share her dislike of something regardless of the fact that it will create a scene.


Like today when I took Lauren and Chloe on a walk around the neighborhood and she saw someone having a birthday party outside.

8 million 10 year old girls in skimpy swimsuits were running everywhere, there was a bounce house and BBQ out front and a pinata at the playground. 

I mean, really, if you’re going to do it where everyone can see and smell, at least invite everyone!

Anyway, I’m sure you know what is coming next.

A complete meltdown when I informed Chloe she was not invited.

It took me like 10 minutes to carry her home. While Lauren was in the Baby Bjorn across my chest.  Chloe was kicking and screaming. 30 pounds of FURY style. Her sundress was over her head, her hat and diva sunglasses long gone.

I’m actually not sure she’s ever had such a horrible meltdown.

I’m sure everyone was just glad it wasn’t them.

Because really, haven’t we all been there? Or is it just my kid!?


Anyway, it’s Fathers Day eve and Chris is enjoying his fathers day present at the races.

Because when he left, immediately after said meltdown, I had one very sleepy 8 month old who wanted nothing but her momma’s arms while holding a hysterically sobbing 21 month old with snot running down her face.

I smiled and allowed him to slip out for a guys night.

But not before I got in, “Enjoy your fathers day gift. Tonight is not going to be fun.”

And for the most part, it wasn’t.

Except for the 15 minutes of pure fabulous mother/daughter bonding time the girls and I experienced while making Chris a fathers day card. 

That 15 minutes made everything worth it.

Every tantrum and kick and tear and meltdown about getting in a car seat or stroller or any of the other 5 million things that will set her off these days.

It involved paint and crayons and construction paper and glue and feathers.

And footprints.

It was the kind of thing you dream about when you think about having kids.

It’s like labor. You seriously forget the pain once it’s over.

Same thing for tantrums. One “sowee (sorry)” or “tank (thank) you, mama” or “cute” or “pretty”… makes you forget the walk of shame home through the neighborhood. Almost.

I can’t believe I have a daughter that says things like “cute” and “pretty”

And buggie (boogie).

I couldn’t be happier.

Today was all in all a great day.

Chris and I went looking for a 2nd highchair and instead came home with an awesome little pool for the girls this summer.IMG_0633_1 IMG_0634_1 IMG_0635_1     IMG_0641_1 IMG_0646_1  IMG_0670 IMG_0688 IMG_0694

Chloe loved it, despite the fact that her teeth were chattering.

Oh, and if you are wondering, we made it home from Vegas!

We had a GREAT time and didn’t lose our life savings.

Looking forward to our next ‘adults-only’ vacation.

They’re fabulous.


That being said, to my dearest Monkey:

I am so glad we picked each other. You are a wonderful provider and you make such a wonderful best friend.

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I love that you’re willing to walk the hill and even do *GASP* puzzles to make me happy.  

Watching you with our girls makes my heart absolutely melt. IMG_0744

I love giving the girls baths with you, even if Chloe tooting and Lauren barfing in the tub end it rather quickly.



You make me smile like nobody else can and I can’t help but look at the girls and see the love we have for each other reflected back in their eyes.

Happy Fathers Day.



Tiffany Kodama said...

So.Dang. Cute!!! I LOVED your post!

Anonymous said...

A very touching tribute to Chris and especially awesome photography. Loved the nudie shot of Chloe taken overhead and the nature shots. I think that's pollen on the bee's feet? A real pro. xoxo GSue

Anonymous said...

You made me cry.....darn you. I love you all. xooxoGIGI

Anonymous said...

By the way...that is a much cooler pool than the one I found. How adorable...especially with the water drops falling all around Chloe. Doesn't Lauren like it? Have they eaten popsicles in there yet? xooxoxMOM