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Thursday, December 4, 2008

I must blog, I must blog...

It's already December 4th (which means Chloe will be 3 months in just 6 REALLY short days). I feel like I've been a bad blogger. The holiday season seems like it's flying by...and this is one of those years where I want to relish in every single moment of the season. I'm looking forward to more Christmas carols and Christmas lights. I just love the feeling of the season, everyone is so happy and looking forward to their time off... I guess I'm just overly sentimental about this being Chloe's first of everything... it's so exciting... and while she doesn't much care about any of it, I sure do. I'm just kind of sad that we're not starting any traditions, per se. It's hard when you're always on the road to your families houses. Hopefully next year will be different.

Speaking of firsts, Chloe tried out her BebePod chair.
Seriously A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
She l-o-v-e-s it (for at least a few minutes at a time) and I love that she can sit up on her own!
It's amazing how much she learns in just 3 days.
I put her in this on the 1st of December for the first time. She wasn't really sure what the heck it was, she didn't have much interest and she couldn't figure out for the life of her what was up with the toy on the tray. (see picture):
Well, today (her 3rd attempt), she has figured out what the heck to do with the toy, and she...
Put it in her

(see the death grip she has on this thing?!) Hilarious. So focused.
I Love it.
She's growing so quickly. She loves to grab toys you put in front of her... she spends like 30 minutes in her activity gym just reaching for her toys...
But she does have one bad habit (uhoh)... she LOVES anything related to the TV - especially football. Ugh. Seriously, the tv can be super far away and if it catches her eye, she's glued.
Let's see... in other holiday news, I got our Christmas cards/way-overdue-baby-announcements printed yesterday... Yes. I am one of those horrible moms who didn't do an announcement ... why, I don't know... but I'm turning our Christmas card into one. Aren't you excited to get yours?!
I know there are family friends who read this blog that are dying for one that might not be on our Christmas card list (those who didnt get one last year, basically)... if that's the case, either email me or leave a comment with your email and I'll get in touch with you for your address (don't leave your address).
Ok. Ms. Claus is waking up... gotta run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look at your blog 5 times a day and I never get tired of seeing little Chloe's face or hearing about her newly discovered accomplishments. I am sure your house is a fun place to be right now with Chloe changing daily. She looks older than she is....and so grown up. We miss her so much...and you too. More updates please....Love, Mom