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Friday, October 24, 2008

All Grown Up...

The last couple days have found me pretty emotional, not necessarily in a bad way, but I'm having to acknowledge that Chloe is changing and growing. The last 5 days or so, it's like night and day. She's completely her own person now, she's making a ton of noises, mimicking our noises, she cracks the biggest grins, she is now interested in her toys, she likes to watch us and follow us with her eyes...

But really, for me, the hardest part has been having to retire a couple of her newborn outfits. I feel like she just got a chance to break them in! She can't be growing out of them yet. Part of me is excited because it means we're almost into the really cute outfits but I miss the onesie that's like the size of a thumbnail. We're even out of newborn diapers now! When did she grow?! When did her arms fill out and get those adorable baby rolls??

I can't believe she's growing up right before our eyes. I keep wondering if we've taken enough pictures, enough videos, if I've memorized every second of her life I can... I don't want to forget or miss a single thing.

I know this sounds crazy, but every night when I put her to bed, I watch her on the monitor and can't wait for her to wake up so I can have her back in my arms while she still wants to be there. NO matter what time it is, or how exhausted I am, I love and appreciate every minute with her...

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